Geonetwork Documentation
Link to the Geonetwork User Guide (ver 4.2 stable)
Metadata is essential information about a dataset that provides context and helps users understand and effectively use the data. It serves several important purposes:
- Data Discovery: Metadata helps users find relevant datasets by describing the dataset’s content, source, and structure. This is especially important for large data repositories.
- Understanding Data: Metadata provides information about the dataset’s variables, units of measurement, and data types, making it easier for users to interpret the data correctly.
- Data Quality: It can include details about data quality, such as the source of the data, how it was collected, and any known limitations or errors.
- Data Usage: Metadata can specify usage restrictions, licensing terms, and data ownership, which is crucial for compliance and responsible data usage.
- Data Provenance: It tracks the history of the dataset, including who created it, when it was last updated, and any transformations or processing applied to it.
Here’s a basic metadata template you can use for a dataset:
- Dataset Name: [Name of the dataset]
- Description: [Brief description of the dataset]
- Source: [Where the data was obtained]
- Data Collection Date: [Date of data collection]
- Data Format: [Format of the data, e.g., CSV, JSON]
- Data Size: [Size of the dataset]
- Variables: [List of variables/columns in the dataset]
- Variable Descriptions: [Description of each variable, including data type and unit of measurement]
- License: [Specify the data’s licensing terms]
- Access Restrictions: [Any restrictions on data access or usage]
- Data Provenance: [Information on the dataset’s history and any preprocessing]
This template can be adapted and expanded depending on the specific needs and complexity of your dataset. Metadata ensures transparency and enhances the usability of your data, making it a valuable asset for data users.
GeoNetwork – Metadata
Upwater Metadata templates
The following documents provides Metadata templates fro REAME files, Dublin Core Metadata Elements, and Geonetwork Metadata Template that will help users prepare the upload amd fill of Geonetework Metadata forms.